Cardinal Mandala


Cardinal Mandala

I have a special love for cardinals. One time when working at a nursing home, a lady and I made a deal that whoever passed first, would show the other a sign with a cardinal.

I was with her when she passed. On my way home from work, just as the sun was going down, a cardinal swooped right past my car window. I though wow was that ..... and then just thought maybe it was a coincidence. 

I thought I'd call her daughter and let her know about the cardinal incidence though just in case it would bring her any peace.

A couple days later she called me and told me a cardinal was singing on the fence in back of her during the whole burial.

Then a couple weeks, maybe even months later, her daughter was at Hallmark and saw a Beanie Baby cardinal no the front desk. She wanted to buy one for herself and one for me, so she asked the clerk if there was any more in the back. The clerk said they didn't keep stock back there, everything was out on the floor but she'd look.

She came back and found one that was just back there sitting on the shelf. She told her to look at the tag, there is usually a message in there. As she opened the tag and read it, it said, "Date of bird. xx/xx/xxxx, which was the day that her mother had passed. 

I no longer thought any of those incidents were coincidences. 

Every Christmas her daughter and I send each other gifts of cardinals, whether it be an ornaments, a stuffed animal or whatever.. to remember her mom  by.

You Find this Cardinal Mandala at my Drawn To You Shop


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